Hello to the book reading world! While this blog may be new, I am not new to the blogging world! I have been doing book reviews for probably 7 years now, on and off. Sometimes I've just jotted down a few thoughts on a book, most of the time I've put together a page worth of thoughts, included a synopsis, and other formats. The concept for this blog has been lingering in the back of my head for a while now, mostly because I've been wanting to simplify the review process (for myself). Recently, I read an author confession that basically confirmed my idea. This author was wondering what the deal was with all the frills and lace, what he/she really wanted was a few lines about their book - not a novel, or book report. A review shouldn't be this long drawn out process. It should be a 'why I liked it' or 'why I didn't like it' kind of moment. No spoilers, no need for synopsis due to goodreads, Amazon, BN, etc. (No synopsis for my reviews that is. If I decide to start taking on book release blitz, etc - then of course there will be synopsis included.) This spot, and all of my reviews from this point forward are going to be simple, short and sweet. 5 lines at the very most.
I just created this blog - it's not pretty just yet. Hang with me for a little bit while I get things established!
Anita - formally known as anitaloves2read at www.iloves2read.blogspot.com
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