2015 Reading Challange

The reading challenge was originally posted at PopSugar, and the idea seems to have taken off. While many of these will be easy to fill, there are many that will take a bit of extra effort on my part, so here we go!

Published this Year:
A Number in the Title:
With non-human characters:
With a one-word in the Title:

A friend's Recommendation:
You can finish in a Day:
With a Love Triangle:

Set in the Future:
Set in High School:
With a Color in the Title:
With Magic:
By an Author you've never read before:
You started but never finished:  
  • Cinder by Marissa Meyer (I started this sometime in 2014, and couldn't get into it at first)

To Be Completed
Book with more than 500 Pages:
Classic Romance:
Became a Movie:
Written by someone under 30:
Funny Book:
Book by a Male author:  (I'm changing to male from female since nearly all the books I read are by females)
Book of Short Stories:
Set in a different country:
Popular Author's first book:
By an author you love, and haven't read yet:
A Pulitzer Prize winning Book:
Based on a True Story:
At the bottom of your TBR List:
Your Mom Loves:
That Scares you:
More than 100 Years old:
Based entirely on it's cover:
You were suppose to read in school but didn't:
With Antonyms in the Title:
Set somewhere you've always wanted to Visit:
That came out the year you were born:
With Bad Reviews:
From your Childhood:
That made you Cry:
Graphic Novel:
You own but never read:
That takes place in your hometown:
That was originally written in a different language:
Set during Christmas:
Written by an Author with your same initials:
Banned Book:
Based on/turned into a TV Show:

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